EthicsPoll™ is a team of professionals, practitioners and scholars devoted to the study and practical application of ethics in business. We provide education, training and practice with models that inform and empower people across an organization, embedding ethical decision-making at every level.
Our diagnostic methodology and ETHICS Improvement Process help leaders build and sustain an ethical climate within their organizations. Utilizing a combination of web-based surveys, embedded polls and audience response technology, we assess and analyze what's happening in your organization behind the scenes. Whether you're driving organizational change, seeking customer feedback, screening job applicants or managing enterprise risks, EthicsPoll™'s tools can help you gather actionable intelligence to achieve your goals.
EthicsPoll™ operates as part of PriorityThinking, LLC, based in the Greater Rochester area of NY.
All of those attributes—quality, safety, loyalty, performance—are good things. Yet if they are not prioritized correctly, each can cause severe ethical problems in your organization. EthicsPoll™ utilizes a unique methodology that approaches ethics as a result of proper prioritizing.